Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Workshop - Related Reading

In addition to the texts from which Hugo Gorringe and Tobias Kelly will be speaking (highlighted below), participants of the upcoming workshop on Violence may find the following texts useful:

Das, Veena (1990), Mirrors of Violence: Communities, Riots and Survivors in South Asia (Oxford UP)
--- (2000), ed. Violence and Subjectivity (U of California P)

Rosie, Michael and Hugo Gorringe (2011). ‘It’s Grim down South: A Scottish Take on the "English Riots"’, Scottish Affairs 77 (Autumn): 79-89
Gorringe, Hugo and Michael Rosie (2011). ‘King Mob: Perceptions, Prescriptions and Presumptions about the Policing of England
s Riots’, Sociological Research Online (Rapid Response) 16.4
Gorringe, Hugo (2006). ‘Banal Violence? The Everyday Underpinnings of Collective Violence’, Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 13.2: 237-60
--- (2006). ‘Which is Violence? Reflections on Violence and Social Movement Activity’, Social Movement Studies 5.2: 117-36

Kelly, Tobias 
(2008). ‘The Attractions of Accountancy: Living an Ordinary Life during the Second Palestinian IntifadaEthnography 9.3: 351-376
--- (2006). Law, Violence and Sovereignty among West Bank PalestiniansCambridge: Cambridge UP
Kelly, Tobias and Alpa Shah (2006). ‘A Double Edged Sword: Protection and State ViolenceCritique of Anthropology 26.2: 251-57

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